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Browsing by Author Afesha, Nigussie

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2023Compensation Assessment for Personal Injury Owing to Extra-Contractual Liability: Case Study on Selected CourtsHaddis, Meaza; Afesha, Nigussie
Dec-2022Functional Domains of IGR Forums, House of Federation and Ministry of Peace in Ethiopia: The Need for ClarityAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2023Sectoral Intergovernmental Relations in Ethiopia Federation: Normative and Empirical ConsiderationsAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2016Vol. 10 No.2:The Practice of Informal Changes to the Ethiopian Constitution in the Course of ApplicationAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2017Vol. 11 No.2:Legal and Practical Aspects of Child Custody, Visitation and Maintenance: A Case Study in SNNP Regional StateAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2017Vol. 11 No.2:Major Differences between the Revised ‘Federal’ and SNNP Regional State Family CodesAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2019Vol. 13 No.3:Judicial Power Decentralization in Ethiopia: Practical Limitations and Implications on Selfgovernance of Regional StatesAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2015Vol. 9, No.2:The Federal-state Intergovernmental Relationship in Ethiopia: Institutional Framework and its Implication on State AutonomyAfesha, Nigussie