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Browsing by Author Tilahun, Tesfaye

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2022Application and Challenges of Knowledge Management System: A Case Study of St. Mary’s UniversityTilahun, Tesfaye
Jun-2020Feminism as a Development Perspectives: A Systematic Literature ReviewTilahun, Tesfaye
Dec-2020Feminism as a Development Perspectives: A Systematic Literature ReviewTilahun, Tesfaye
Dec-2024The Mediating Role of Perceived HRM Practices in the Relationship Between Managerial- Rated HRM Practices and Employee Engagement in Ethiopian Higher Education InstitutionsKinde, Zerihun; Betabo, Sheref; Tilahun, Tesfaye