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Annual Open and Distance Education Seminar
: [35]
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Adela, Manaye
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Getaye, Atlabachew
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Moges, Birhanu
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Adane, Mekdes
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Alamirew, Taye
- 1
Asefa, Girma, FikaduWayesa
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Ayele, Luleseged
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Beyessa, Feyera
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Bisare, Bilate
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Burayou, Degefa
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Challenges of DL students; Distan...
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Cloud computing, Cloud infrastruc...
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Competency Framework,Improving Qu...
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Continuous Assessment,Open and Di...
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Cross-border education; Unisa; Ti...
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Digital media, social media, LMS,...
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Distance education, Distance Lear...
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distance education, immersive tec...
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Distance education, Japan, Ethiop...
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distance education, student suppo...
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