dc.description.abstract | Households residing in the two sample Kebeles of Bati were stratified based on their
participation in Amhara Credit and Saving Institution (ACSI) as ex-clients, clients, eligible
non-clients, and ineligible households. A total of 170 sample households, comprising 108
clients of ACSI and 62 non-clients, were finally selected from the two sample Kebeles
using simple random sampling with probability proportional to size. The proxy indicators
utilized to measure households' vulnerability to food insecurity were, households own food
production, income, asset, crop and income diversification.
The survey results had indicated that the annual mean income obtained by ASCI clients
was higher than the annual mean income of the non-clients by 52%. Moreover, as
compared to non-clients, larger proportions of ASCI clients have participated in more
remunerative income sources i.e. high value crop production, sheep and goat production/
fattening, beekeeping and petty trade. Among the variables examined, family size,
number of economically act/Ve members of the household, farm size, livestock holding,
and participation in ACSI credit program are positively correlated with households'
income source diversification. With regard to asset ownership, clients owned larger
number of livestock, and a sizable of non-productive assets with relatively higher
estimated value, as well as, more cash savings. Furthermore, the level of rural households
vulnerability to food insecurity is negatively associated with their participation in ACSI
program. | en_US |