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Mizan Law Review : [295] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 295
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2022Functional Domains of IGR Forums, House of Federation and Ministry of Peace in Ethiopia: The Need for ClarityAfesha, Nigussie
Dec-2022Presumed Consent as an Option to Improve Ethiopian Organ Donation LawEbba Kitila, Natae
Dec-2022Major Themes in the Study of Ethiopian Customary LawsAbdo, Muradu
Dec-2022On Ethiopia’s Digital ID Bill, Data Privacy, Warts and AllYilma, Kinfe
Oct-2022Integrating Traditional and State Institutions for Conflict Prevention: Institutional, Legal and Policy Frameworks in EthiopiaHalefom, Awet
Sep-2022The Continuing Quest for Inclusive Democratic Governance in EthiopiaAssefa, Getachew
Sep-2022Resolution of Collective Labour Disputes by Labour Relations Board in Ethiopia: Critical ReflectionsBisare, Bilate
Sep-2022Prioritization of Water Use Rights in Ethiopia: Exploring the Perspectives and Practices in the Governance of Awash River BasinHaileselassie, Zbelo, Achamyeleh Gashu
Sep-2022Inter Communal Conflicts (2017-2018) and the Protection of IDPs in Ethiopia:The Need for Specific Legal and Institutional RegimeDesalegn, Rabel
Sep-2022Ethiopia’s Criminal Justice System relating to Children in Conflict with the Law: Interrogating the Legal Framework on Measures and PenaltiesBerhanu, Belayneh
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:The Ebb and Flow of the Democratization Process in AfricaAshagre, Aschalew
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Legitimizing Gerrymandering in the Harari Regional State Contrary to the Principle of Equality of VotesKiros, Simeneh
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Ethiopia`s Quest for an Appropriate Law: ‘An Answer’ from a Brother from AfarAbdo, Muradu
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech in Ethiopia: ObservationsDegol, Aron ,Bebizuh ,Mulugeta
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies under Ethiopian Legal NormsAsgedom, Messay
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:The Legal Framework and Barriers to Access to Environmental Information in EthiopiaMohammed, Abdulkader
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Nigeria and the Jigsaw of Limitation Period: The Need for Compliance with Global Best PracticesTarh-Akong, David
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Cybercrime Lawmaking and Human Rights in EthiopiaMicheal, Kinfe
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:Constitution as Social Contract in Contemporary Ethiopia: The Need to Re-construct Political ArrangementsKebede, Henok
Sep-2021Vol. 15 No.1:An Enduring Path for National Unity and Human Rights Protection in Ethiopia: A Case for Human Dignity Centered Constitutional Design and InterpretationAndualem, Tsega
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 295