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Journal of Agricultural Development (JAD) : [88] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 88
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011The role of rural micro credit in reducing household vulnerability to food insecurity: Case study in Bati Woreda, Oromo Administrative Zone, Amhara Region, EthiopiaSeid, Aliy; Hulluka, Mengistu
2013Variation and Association of Yield and Yield Related Traits in released Tef {Eragrostis Tef{zucc.) trotter) Varieties Evaluated During Off-Season in EthiopiaJifar, Habte; Assefa, Kebebew
2011Milk yield performance of two and three breed crosses of dairy cattle in the central highlands of EthiopiaBekele, Tadesse; Yilma, Zelalem; G/Wold, Alemu; Demisse, Sebsibe
2013Agricultural Higher Education in Ethiopia: Challenges and PerspectivesHulluka, Mengistu
2015Relationship Between Export Diversification and Economic Growth in EthiopiaWudie, Melkamu A.
2014Participation of Farmers in Weather-Index-Based Crop Micro insurance Scheme: A Case Study of Farmers at Shashemene District, Oromia Region, EthiopiaWoldegiorgis, Tamrat
2010Socio-economic and Environmental Significance of Dry Land Resources of Ethiopia and their Development ChallengesLemenih, Mulugeta; Kassa, Habtemariam
2010Climate Change, Climate Variability and Adaptation in EthiopiaTesfaye, Kindie; Assefa, Mulugeta
2010Usufruct Rights Certification and Tenure Security: the Case of Communal Forest Lands in Meket district of Northern EthiopiaManaye, Sintayehu; Kassa, Habtemariam
2014Impacts of Alternative Water Policy Scenarios on Sustainability of Irrigation Development in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia: A Positive Mathematical Programming ApproachAycheh, Fikremariam; Haji, Jemma; Ketema, Mengistu; Legesse, Belaineh
2014Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses of Some Breeding Lines of The Man-Made Crop, Triticale (X.TRITICOSECALE WITTMAK)Fantahun, Basazen; Belay, Getachew
2014Analysis of the Power, Knowledge and Interests of Stakeholders in Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Engagement in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaAssefa, Abraham; Tessema, Misikire
2015Opportunities and Challenges of Fish Marketing at Gelgel Gibe Dam in EthiopiaCheffo, Abebe; Teshome, Hiwot; Tesfaye, Genanaw
2015Effects of Feed Additives(PREMIX) on Growth Performance of Oreochromis Niloticus(L, 1758) in Concrete Pond, Sebeta EthiopiaYimer, Abelneh; Dagne, Adamneh; Tadesse, Zenebe
2015Factors Affecting Sales Performance of Crop Insurance at Ethiopian Insurance CorporationShiferaw, Biniam
Jan-2014The Contribution of Export Earnings to Economic Growth of Ethiopia: A Trend AnalysisGetahun, Senait
2012Nursery propagation, field adaptation and carbon sequestration potential of Pistacia chinensis (Chinese PistachioGebretsadik, Wondwossen
2011Traditional Enset (Ensete ventricosum) Processing Techniques in Some Parts of West Shewa Zone, EthiopiaHunduma, Tariku; Ashenafi, Mogessie
2014On Farm Cultivar Diversity of Enset (ENSETE VENTRICOSUM W.) in Southern EthiopiaZeberga, Awol; Yemataw, Zerihun; Sinebo, Woldeyesus; Ambachew, Daniel; Musemil, Sadik
2014Factors Affecting Loan Repayment Performance of Floriculture Industries to the Development Bank of EthiopiaTariku, Muluken
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 88