Abstract: | The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of procurement practices on project implementation in CARE Ethiopia. Procurement practices include Procurement planning, vendor selection process, contract monitoring and control, adoption of information communication and procurement ethics. Descriptive and Explanatory research design was used to examine the relationship between procurement practices and project implementation of the case organization. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used in the study. Target population of the study was 120 employees of CARE Ethiopia working in Addis Ababa head office. The whole Population (Census) was used for the study. Primary data and secondary data were used as a source. Questionnaires were distributed to 116 employees of the organization and interview was conducted with four management staffs of the organization to gain the management's view and make the data more comprehensive. The collected data were summarized and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS version 20. The result is then presented in the form of tables and figures followed by discussion for further interpretation on the findings. The major research findings were all the independent variables of procurement practices were found to have a positive and significant correlation with the dependent variable which is project implementation. The ANOVA test result showed that, the model fit significantly. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed that, all the independent variables (Procurement planning, vendor selection process, contract Monitoring and control, adoption of information communication and procurement ethics) have statistically significant relationship to predict project implementation. Procurement planning and vendor selection process accounts the largest share to explain the variation of project implementation. The study recommends that the organization should enhance their procurement practices in order to become more efficient in their project implementation. |