Abstract: | This study is a survey on practice challenges of Supply Chain Management in Sheba Leather Industry. The objective is to examine the existing practice and challenges of the SCM in Sheba Leather Industry. The research is basically a descriptive research with more qualitative approach. In doing so, 8 firms from Tanneries, Shoe Manufacturers, and Leather Goods and Garment producers located in Addis Ababa were sampled. Beside 112 questionnaires were also distributed to end users/consumers. The method of data collection was structured questionnaire in the form likert scale. For analyzing SCM practice, mean and standard deviation were used whereas. Through these methods the data’s were analyzed and the result shows an average mean value which means, the practice of SCM is average. On the other hand, regarding, the SCM practice among firm. Based on these facts, searching for potential market for raw materials, cooperation of all stakeholders, and establishment of consultative forum from firms and other stakeholders were recommended in this study. |