Abstract: | Internal excellence is not enough anymore; there is also a need for external
excellence in the whole supply chain. The supply chain lies no longer with an
individual company. Either it will not able to be managed separately. Professions
became so specialized and time to market is one of the most important aspects of
competitiveness. As a result, organizations have become aware of the fact that
working alone is almost impossible.The purpose of the study is to assess and/or
investigate the possible difficulty or gap in the logistics collaboration for company
competitive advantage.The researcher used both primary and secondary sources of
data/information. Primary data sources has been collected through Interviews and
Questionnaire (empirical study), while secondary data sources was collected
through extensive literature reviews. In order to select sample respondents, the
study used a purposive and stratified sampling technique.Management of
MOENCO focus more on building relationship basically to influence supplier’s
quality and sharing technology. Majority of the respondents said trust and
commitment is pushing MOENCO to Collaborate from among various factors. As it
is revealed by the study, trust and commitment, two way communication and right
mix of channel has been used as a remedial measure by the company since yet to
cure the failed collaboration. However significant effect has not been seen. Beside
this, failure to reach on common understanding, prioritizing self interest, difference
in opinion significantly affect the company logistics collaboration management
practice. |