Abstract: | This research was conducted to assess the effect of Yekokeb Berhan community based saving self-help group (CSSG) intervention on women empowerment in Adulala area, Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. A cross-sectional survey was employed. A total of 90 women, 45 women who are members of CSSG and another 45 women who were not members of the CSSGs in the locality participated in the study. The findings of the study revealed that the intervention was instrumental in improving the informational, organizational (influence), financial and psychological assets of the members. The comparison of the two groups in watching television revealed as there is statistically significant difference between the two groups. The CSSG members were also found to have better access and ownership of financial assets. 86 percent of the CSSG members reported having personal savings (other than the savings the CSSG members have at the CSSG) while only 50 of the non-members reported having personal saving. Further, a higher percentage of CSSG members (93 percent) expressed as they are the primary change agents in bringing about the change they desire than the nonmember groups (78 percent). This implies as the CSSG members has higher self-efficacy than the nonmembers due to access to finance and information. Besides, the entire members of the CSSG members reported as they feel very high about having control on decisions regarding their own personal welfare, health and body while only 87 percent of the nonmembers reported the same. This difference is statistically significant, χ2 (1)=5.6, p<0.05. In spite of the above, there was no difference between the two groups on radio listening habit. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups members’ membership in different groups. Further, the non-members were more active and influential in social activities. The findings of the study suggest the need for further study on the sustainability of the model. |