Abstract: | These days’ Social media advertising is one of the most important marketing tools. It is presumed to have a powerful effect on customer buying decision. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of social media advertising on customer buying decision with reference to brewery companies in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa).there are 4 independent variables of social media advertising. These are attention grabbing details, celebrity endorsement, creative characteristics and emotional appeal. The target population of the study were being customers who are aware of social media and live in Addis Ababa particularly in Yeka, Bole, And lemi kura sub cities. Quantitative research approach, explanatory and descriptive research designs and convenience sampling technique were adapted to gather data from 312 respondents. The data were collected using structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential (regression) analysis. The results of the study revealed that creative characteristics, attention grabbing details and celebrity endorsement have a positive and significant effect on customers buying decision but emotional appeal didn’t cause an effect on customers buying decision. Therefore, it is essential for brewery companies to pay more attention in increasing their social media advertising practice. They should focus on the relatively better result. They should pay more attention to the, social media marketing activities since there is a weakness in one of the variables they should work on the other factors. Finally, the researcher recommends to brewery Companies should strategically plan their social media advertising. So, marketing managers should manage their social media sites in order to be profitable and also for other researchers to dig out other variables and to cover the rest geographical location. |