Abstract: | The study seeks to explore the possible contribution of social entrepreneurship towards social transformation for societies- at the microeconomic level to address specific social needs, and at the macroeconomic level to advance their socioeconomic status. In Ethiopia, it is embedded within non-profit or for-profit ventures and is treated as an emerging business model. But yet, it is a new hybrid-- independent business model primarily driven by social mission. To achieve the objective of the study, the research employed qualitative approach whereby, case study was used as a qualitative research tool. The study mainly administered primary data from case study using FGDs and KII guide techniques. The findings of the study revealed that social entrepreneurship practice lacks clear conceptual understanding and legal framework for its effective implementation in Ethiopia; and it is riddled with inconsistencies, overlapping definitions, and contradictions. It is also getting practiced in unframed and fragmented implementations -ultimately social impacts are limited. One of the core findings of the study was that the role of social entrepreneurship is to add value in social change via social value creation and foster through social assets formation, yet, the change is insignificant. The study concluded with framing the preliminary propositions and implications for the practice of social entrepreneurship and for further research. |