Abstract: | This research seeks to determine Challenges and effects of ICT on customers’ satisfaction and employee performance of awash bank and bank of Abyssinia. It evaluated the banks using customer and employee satisfaction as independent variables. In addition, the research sought to identify the most significant obstacles customers face when utilizing technology-based services and products. This study utilized a case-study methodology. In this research, primary and secondary data are the two types of information typically employed. The study's target populations were customers and senior management of the two private banks, Awash Bank and Abyssinia Bank. Awash Bank and Abyssinia Bank selected 100 customers and 30 employees at random to represent 10 percent of the target population for the study. For the research, a structured questionnaire was used to collect pertinent data. Version 16 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was utilized to analyze the questionnaire data. To determine the significance of the independent variables on the dependent variable, a T-statistics test was conducted. According to the findings of the study, information and communication technology has a substantial positive impact on customer and employee satisfaction in the selected private banks. The simple linear regression analysis also revealed positive coefficients of 0.803 and 0.725 for customer satisfaction and employee performance, respectively, indicating a strong positive relationship between information and communication technology and the satisfaction of bank customers and employees. The research also revealed that mobile and internet connectivity issues, as well as a lack of information and communication infrastructures, are the major obstacles discouraging customers from using technology-based services and products of banks. In Ethiopian private banks, information and communication technology has had a positive impact on customer and employee satisfaction. |