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dc.contributor.authorAreda, Liya-
dc.description.abstractThe mobile banking services is one of the newly introduced services designed to enable customers transact 24 hours in a day and seven days a week without the need to go to the bank's counter. The major challenges for the adoption of mobile banking technologies are customer concerns about security therefore the major objective of this study is, to assess current security practices and customer protection of mobile banking service in Ethiopian banks .Using a descriptive study, this study collected primary data from 235 respondents from the banking sector in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. It was concluded that making information available would increase the number of customers using M-banking. Nowadays, mobile gadgets are an essential component of an individual's daily life. People can conduct financial transactions utilizing their mobile devices, which might introduce security threats and problems to mobile banking. Consequently, CBE use M- banking to deliver its banking services and it is needed to enhance security issues for becoming safer and more trusted, the research recommended the M-banking app should have a minimum four-digit PIN, multi-factor authentication, and a two-step security mechanism. It should have a 2-5-minute session, a minimum active time of six months to a year, and daily verification codes. To improve security, provide unlimited verification codes for blocked apps, identify reasons for blockages, and check for fraud activities. Use encryption, SHA2 or SHA3 hashing algorithms, and set a timetable for app updates. After identifying by discussing the mechanisms to solve the problems, recommendations are discussed which aim to increase security challenges for CBE M- banking apps as a recommendationen_US
dc.publisherSt. Mary's Universityen_US
dc.subjectMobile Banking, Security issues and Customer protectionen_US
dc.titleorganizational culture, employee well-being, Catholic Relief Services, values, leadership styles, communication patterns, employee empowerment, mixed-methods approach, humanitarian organization, Ethiopia.en_US
Appears in Collections:Business Administration

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