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dc.contributor.authorWORK, MELKAM-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study is to assess meat export performance in Ethiopia; challenges and opportunities. To conduct the research the researcher used primary and secondary data. Descriptive research design with mixed approach employed in this study. Respondents who are working in the export abattoirs as manager in different departments and experts in production and export departments were selected purposefully considered their knowledge of the study and the most relevant information they had. Data was collected from 106 of above selected respondents. ECC export data was used to analyze meat export performance in Ethiopia over ten years from 2014 to 2023. It was found that meat export performance during the period was declined from 9,426 MT in 2023 from 16,485 MT in 2014 with a 3% average decline per year. In value terms 847,716 USD million generated during the period with export averaged 84 USD million. An all-time reached high of 98,456 USD million in 2017 and a low record of 63,401 USD million in 2023. In terms of export market destination, United Arab Emirates (56%), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (34%), the remaining 10 percent of meat exported to Qatar,Hong Kong, Vietnam and other countries. To identify the main factors affect meat export abattoirs performance, Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (W) was used to measure differences in the ranking of variables and the degree of concordance among the respondents. Accordingly Limited compliance to international standards and market requirement, Lack of capacity for cattle slaughtering facilities, Managers’ attitude and global knowledge of international market, Constraint in getting qualified and trained workforce was identified as major four internal factors that affect meat export abattoirs performance in Ethiopia with mean rank of 5.68, 4.43, 4.21 and 4.18 respectively. The top four external factors identified were Presence of illegal cross border trade of live animals, Non-market oriented livestock production system, Access to limited international markets, Act of intermediary and involvement in live animal marketing with high mean rank of 8.28, 8.17, 7.99, and 7.12. Kendall’s (W) test strength to judge external factors influence export abattoirs performance in Ethiopia was found strong (0.479) , w>0 with a significance level of 0.000.The major challenges identified were high purchase price of live animals in the domestic market, Shortage of slaughter animals’ supply, Huge exchange rate difference, Seasonality and low quality animals supply with mean rank of 8.85,8.58,8.44 and 7.54 respectively. The major opportunities identified were Proximity to Middle Eastern countries, Ethiopian meat is derived from only grass feed livestock (no artificial hormones added), Growth in demand for meat products in the world with mean rank of 6.20, 5.75, and 5.66 respectively. It is required Government to force the proclamation that prohibits for illegal live animal trade/ smudging at the border area so as to insure commercially viable supply of meat animals for export abattoirs. In addition production and market development required to improve export abattoirs competitiveness in the international market.en_US
dc.publisherSt. Mary's Universityen_US
dc.subjectExport performance, Challenges, Opportunitiesen_US
Appears in Collections:Business Administration

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