Abstract: | The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of performance management on organization
performance in the case of METAD Private Limited Company (PLC). In light of this objective,
the study employed a descriptive and explanatory research design with a quantitative research
approach to address research questions. Both primary and secondary source of data was used.
Out of the 177 questionnaires distributed, 159 were filled and collected back. The collected data
from the respondents were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools in terms of
Frequency, mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression based on the view of
respondents. Data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
27. The key findings from the study were the finding of the correlation result revealed that
planning, continuous communication; review, assessment, and reward are positively and
significantly correlated with employee performance. Regression analysis also shows that there
are positive and significant relationship between dependent and all independent variables.
Hence, the study recommends that METAD Private Limited Company (PLC) work on its
assessment and continuous communication practices to influence employee performance highly
significantly |