Abstract: | The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of literate environment in the provision of distance learning. Mixed methods research design was used because it helps the researcher to investigate the issue from diverse angels. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as methods because they would compensate the weaknesses of each other. The primary sources of data were one co-coordinator of distance learning and two instructors from the School of Commerce, one distance and continuing education officer of AAU, three adult education instructors, five graduate students of Curriculum and Instruction, and ten regular graduate students of Adult and Lifelong Learning from the Department of Curriculum and Teachers Professional Development Studies (CTPDS) at Addis Ababa University, one adult and non formal
education expert from Addis Ababa Education Bureau, and one ANFE expert from the
Ministry of Education. The secondary sources were relevant policy documents and manuals. The data obtained through the use of a questionnaire was analyzed by using percentage and mean whereas the qualitative information generated through the use of a semi-structured interview was transcribed, analyzed, interpreted and finally triangulated with the quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire. The data analysis led to the following major findings: the great majority of respondent students believed that a literate environment would enhance the provision of distance learning; instructors from the School of Commerce and the Department of Curriculum and Teachers Professional Development Studies believed that literate environment is
necessary for the provision of adequate support services to distance learners; the ANFE experts from both AAEB and the MOE asserted that literate environment enhances post-literacy skills and would motivate neo-literates to continue their education through distance learning; literate environment enhances cultural literacy; improves the development of democratic values in a society and enhances citizens’ social capital, awareness about cultural diversity and the importance of protecting their natural environment. Based on the major findings, it was safely concluded that literate environment plays a significant role in the development of distance learning. Finally, it was suggested that the MOE and regional education bureaus be advised to further enhance the development of literate environment in the country by more closely working with diverse stakeholders in general and the private sector, civil society organizations and publishing agencies in particular. |